
Amazon Great Indian Festive Sale

Amazon Great Indian Festive Sale starts from October 13th - 17th


Festive seasons started for online shoppers and amazon is offering best deals from 13th october to 17th october don't miss any deals. we will keep you posted with the updated deals.

Deals offered across platforms
Mobile APP

Even though Amzon offers deals in both web and App but App users would be more benfited with great deals than web users be;ow are few adavanatges of App

HDFC card holders are going to get windfall in App there is 15% discount and through web it is 10%.
App only deals between october 16th and 17th
15 mintues early acess to all the deals for the app users which is great adavantage when cmpareed with web users.

NOTE: App users can have the chance to win 1 KG GOLD for every order worth 299 rupees from 13th -17th october.

 Amazon App download

Save all the things you want to buy in cart and check the website/app every few mintues to verify if your listed product is availble for the best possible price
Have your payment(preferably HDFC accounts) and delivery address saved before hand.

P.S: If you don't have the HDFC account get those details from your pals,family or sibilings :)

So,what's holding you guys buy all you can in span of this few days with great offers.Download the amazon app here and get started