Imran Khan who is working with Akshay Kumar in ‘Once Upon A Time in Mumbaai Dobara’ says he learned how to handle distractions on the set from Akshay. Speaking of this, Imran said, “What I learnt from Akshay is that sometimes odd things start happening while shooting… a prop falls down or someone’s phone rings… there are a hundred distractions. Normally, in these cases, we cancel the shot because something goes wrong. But Akshay can improvise the moment and he incorporates that distraction or issue in the scene.”
Imran recounted one such interesting instance saying, “There’s a scene where he is sitting and writing
and I come in. He looks up and speaks to me, but then (when we were
shooting it), the pen fell down. He didn’t do anything, and just
gestured me with his eyes to pick it up. I picked up the pen, saw it and
handed it to him and kept the dialogues running.” The above mentioned
scene has been used in the movie just the way Imran described it . The film has been directed by Milan Luthria and also features Sonakshi Sinha and the movie will hit theatres on August 15.
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